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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Early evening in Cazenovia, NY

I had to stop at a bank to get some cash from an ATM. I happen to know that one of the offices of the bank that I use is in Cazenovia - so I went that way on my way home after work. It had been a damp, drizzly day and I had hoped that the ground would have been a little wetter than it was (would have made for cooler, more colorful reflections I'm thinking but ... ). I got my cash from the ATM and then pulled the camera & tripod out of the car and setup right there on the sidewalk and captured this.

As my D700 body and 24-70mm lens are both out of commission at present and at the Nikon repair facility in Melville, NY I'm now using my trusty old backup D300 body and a handful of little fixed focal length lenses (24, 28, 35mm's mostly)  I grabbed this with the 24 @iso 320 and bracket it with 7 frames.  (HDR)  The longest exposure of the bracket was 8 seconds.  What is kind of cool though is that with really long exposures, the people that were walking though the scene - they just disappear.  I'm not honestly quite sure how that works - but it's just cool.  :)
So anyway -- imported into Lightroom, blended together using enfuse and then tweaked / cleaned up some in photoshop.

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