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Monday, September 15, 2014

Iron Kettle Farm, Candor NY

( from my facebook post )
Out and about earlier today we happened upon the Iron Kettle Farm which is a local landmark in this part of the state, especially with families (kids) for the annual Fall / Halloween decorative theme thing that they do every year.
Walking around I found myself inside of a barn that has TONS of old (like really old) tools and farming equipment. They have stuff hanging off of rafters, on the walls, on the tops of built in storage sheds. etc ...
The shot I included here I posted because I'm kinda happy with how it worked out. ( Switch to camera speak for a second ) I have no idea how I've managed to use a camera to this point in time without a rear screen that can be pulled out and tilted away from the body. The little Fuji has one and man is that thing useful. ( Back to the old farm equipment picture ... ) I'm not a naturally tall guy and this stuff was up on top of a roof. Using the tilt screen I "made myself taller" and framed it up as best as I could, and held as steady as I could as the ambient light in there was iffy.
(photo types) Handheld (as high as I could reach above my head) 1/25th at iso 1600, f/5.6. I'd though about stopping it down to 8 or more for better DOF / focus cheat but shutter speed would have really fallen off ... yeah I could have jacked the iso but ...
Anyway ... ! lol! I think it worked out pretty good considering. 
( Actually - all of the photo's taken in the barn were handheld and 1/30th or so was about the fastest shutter speed I was able to use for the given iso ...  )  I wouldn't mind going back there with a tripod and shooting it proper ...  it's pretty neat.
Click on the photo's to view them larger.

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