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Sunday, August 3, 2014

WNYOA / Round #9

AA / Pro class speedster Nick Davis won the premier event of the day on the bikes.  Ben Bouwens grabbed the holeshot but could not hold off the #87.
...  been a while since I've updated my blog.  My bad - I need to be better and more pro-active about it but, frankly, I spend more time in social media - namely facebook - posting there.  I get damn near real-time feedback from there.  This is easier though when cross posting to multiple groups - I only have to upload the article and pictures once and then reference the link back to here.  I gotta get back into that practice.

+++ ANYWAY +++ 

There was a race today!!  Round #9 was held today out at the Tall Pines ATV Park way (way) out in God's Country in the hills above Andover, N.Y..  I had decided the night before that I probably wasn't going to make it out there for the early morning youth races - I would have had to get up at the crack of dawn in order to make it on time.  Based on the weather conditions - kinda glad I didn't.  The place was socked in with fog and an on and off again drizzle ..  that only got worse as the day wore on.

Race promoter Scottie Rich was all over the place today.  He gets around pretty good for being (as he told me when asked "How you doing?") ".. all broken up."  Also when asked ".. you gonna be back for the winter series?" he looked at me with a "Damned straight... " kinda look and answer.  Winter series racers - you've been warned.  ;)
Now this was different, and pretty darned cool too.  Brian Robarge laid down a little "Hendrix'ish" action playing the National Anthem prior to the start of the Big Bikes!  How cool was that?!  :)
Big Bikes - you guys win today!!  Last week, due to having to work I was only able to shoot the Big Quads.  This week, due to being a wuss, I only stuck around for the Big Bikes.  I went back to my car shortly after the bikes race was over for some chow, change batteries, dry gear off, etc ...  while eating the steady rain that had been falling all day long got "steadier" - and harder.  It didn't take a lot of convincing myself that I'd had enough.  I'd had fun mind you, and (I think) I got some decent grabs on the day - but I was NOT going to go back out  there to shoot the lunatics, 'er I mean, Quads.  Nahh .. sorry guys and gals.  Not today.  To wet, to sloppy, to much electronics on me.

While "The Bat" Ben Bouwens, grabbed the holeshot, it was the 87 lurking just to the left in the orange and blue of Nick Davis who took the win.  Bouwens would hang on for 2nd on the day.
Here are a couple to get us started - there will in all likelihood be pics getting to the WNYOA pages on facebook in the coming days too.

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