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Thursday, August 21, 2014

So thats what you use black & white for

<grin>  When all else fails and a bad pic just can't really be made into anything half decent what does one do?  Convert it to b&w and give it a "reportage look", or make it look like something from a newspaper story.

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Readers digest - we had our little quarterly meeting today at the Binghamton Corporate office.  A number of us went out to lunch at a little bar / diner that is within walking distance from the office and I, naturally, had a camera with me.

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If I didn't shoot sports as much as I do, I'm almost thinking that I'd ditch my big ole' Nikons in favor of this wonderful little Fuji that I recently picked up.  The thing is so small and light in weight by comparison to the Nikons that it isn't funny.  The lenses are crazy nice and the sensor in the thing, while only being a crop sensor, is pretty damned amazing.  The camera definitely has it's quirks, and definitely has some short comings when compared to the far more mature Nikons - but for the most part I really dig it.

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All of the images here are hand held, the color one in particular being a 1/2 second exposure, iso 250 @f/2.8 with the fuji 14mm lens.  All were with that lens.  All of the b&w's were 1/5th of a second at iso 4000 (!) @f/8

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It's a fun little camera.  :)

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