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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hard to believe that I'm actually saying this but ...

I'm actually thinking about installing this thing on my workstation machine at home.  Yeah -- I find it hard to believe but ...  I kinda like it.  It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be - principally because it does allow you to use a more win 7 like desktop as opposed to that damned tiles interface.

Readers digest:  The company that I work for has an enterprise class license for Microsoft products.  I work in the I.T. department and as such am able to "play" with new stuff on test / guinea pig machines.  I installed it on this laptop that I'm using right now a day or two ago and as I learn my way around it, I find that I'm actually somewhat surprised at how well it seems to be performing so far.  I'm gonna give it a week or so of use at work and see what the verdict is . . .   but so far I have to say that I am genuinely surprised at how well it is running.  I've installed a number of applications and utilities on it and have yet to come across anything that I haven't been able to get to run.

We'll see how it goes... 

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