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Monday, May 12, 2014

The Big Yellow Tree

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I've been noticing this tree for the last couple of weeks as I head north on route 46 out of Munnsville.  It has been yellow like this for sometime now and I've been tempted to shoot it but I just hadn't - until today.

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With all of the greens of the grass, fields, and even tree's finally starting to come into full bloom, and the brilliant blue sky and the light'ish wispy clouds as a backdrop this tree looked all the more commanding, and it's yellow color was particularly brilliant.  I was hoping to try and capture that, plus the vibrancy of the overall scene itself.  Initially I just pulled the car off to the side of the road and grabbed a frame or two but I *had* to actually get into and onto the field where this thing lives.  I look around and there is a house right across the road from it.  A singular house - no others around.  This has got to be the property owner... so I walk up the driveway and note that it appears that the back porch / door is the most oft used entrance to the place.  There is a person inside - it's a beautiful day out and people have the doors open letting in fresh air.  I knock as a nice woman answers and calls to her husband at the same time.  I inquirer re: are you the property owners of the field across the road.  They, almost in unison, note the camera in hand and laugh saying "Yes - go ahead - you can go over there and take some pictures.... "  They seemed to be a nice enough couple (older couple) - the gentleman even stepped outside with me and was telling me about some other cool stuff that might make for some good photo's and was pointing me in the general direction where some of these things are.  He looked off sort of longingly at one point and muttered ".... well used to be down that-away anyways ...  been a few years since I've been down there myself ...  "

I thanked them for their time and for letting me go onto the property to make some photo's.  I'll show them these on my tablet and get a print or two made up for them if they'd like.

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