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Sunday, May 25, 2014

WNYOA 2014 Round #3

Round 3 is now in the books and it turned out to be a great day for racing and the racing itself was great too! I've got a couple of neat little panorama style shots that I wanted to share with everyone from the start / staging area of both the Big Bikes and Big Quads races, and since I'm now into the Big Bikes and Quads photo's I figured that I would just throw a couple more images into this post and then call it a day.  All of the mornings races (Pee Wee's) are already loaded up at the galleries.  You can check them out here.  ( along with the other races as they go up )

This was the start line area for the Big Bikes about 30-45 minutes prior to the actual start of the race. There were still a number of racers who hadn't even come out to staging yet.  There was some good racing to be had and, as you can see, spectacular weather to enjoy it in!
Click to view larger | Click here to view it *really* large  :)

I moved in to see if I could get one from a closer perspective but because I'm not very tall I just wind up aiming the camera in the right general direction with it held aloft over my head.  Look at this one large - it has some problems as the pano didn't stitch together all that well.  I "corrected" some of the really bad ones (people missing heads or having hollow bodies...  lol ! ) but there are still at least two pretty bad ones in there that I left - see if you can spot them (and others... :)  )
Click to view larger | Click here to view it *really* large  :)

So it was race time and the premier event of the day was on the line.  the AA/Pro class field is especially stacked this year with really good riders and it has proven so far to be a good one to watch.  I deployed "mister remote" for the first time ( a remotely triggered camera ) and it was able to grab a few interesting shots from its vantage point for the start of the bikes.  "The Bat" Ben Bouwens on his #23 Yamaha came out of the first turn like a shot and grabbed the holeshot.  "Old man" Scottie Rich was hot on his tail pipe with the rest of the field in furious pursuit.  Interestingly enough the defending WNYOA #1 plate of Grant Maryott came through my shooting position in what appeared to be near last place.  Two hours and several laps later it was role reversal.  Maryott demonstrated why he is riding the red #1 plate as he worked his way up through the field and not only caught the flying Bat but overtook him, and at the end of the day left him some 30 or 40 seconds in errors.  Anyone who knows the WNYOA series and has watched it over the years knows that Bouwens is tough - simply keeping up with him is one thing - but to chase him down AND pass him?  Dude ...  !  If everyone on the front line can stay healthy and minimize mechanicals we as spectators could be in for a really good year of AA Big Bike racing!

Bouwens grabbed the early lead and held it for quite a while. This was as captured by "mister remote" | Click the photo to view it larger

Bouwens grabbed the early lead and held it for quite a while. The Bat would have to settle for a 2nd place finish on the day though as a hard charging Maryott caught and passed him.  This was as captured from my shooting position with the other camera | Click the photo to view it larger

Maryott didn't get the greatest of starts for the day but ...  (see next photo). This was as captured by "mister remote" | Click the photo to view it larger

Maryott rode hard and determined which paid dividends at the end of the day. The #1 plate was number #1 coming through the checkered flag.  This was as captured from my shooting position with the other camera | Click the photo to view it larger

This was the start line area for the Big Quads about 30-45 minutes prior to the actual start of the race. There were still a number of racers who hadn't even come out to staging yet.  Yep -- good turnout!
Click to view larger | Click here to view it *really* large  :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

WNYOA Round #2 / Victory Mountain

Just a quick upload of some of the sights from racing action today up in the hills overlooking Richford.  Mother nature tried to throw us a curve ball and while she was somewhat successful in getting things off the a slow and sloppy start, determination won the day as some really good racing went down.

Many more to come that will be going up to the galleries over the next few days ...  standby and enjoy!

-=- jd -=-

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

SUNY Brockport Graduation

Hard earned | Click to view the photo larger
Author Christopher Stocking ( London Darkness: Infernal Inventions, A Collection of Short Stories, His Only Star,  London Darkness: War of the Devices, Black Powder Brigade ) and step-son of yours truly is now a college graduate from SUNY Brockport.  His grandmother Nancy, mother Roxanne, Father Jim Stocking, his Wife Casey, and a few other select guests were on hand participating in the festivities at the campus.

Chris and Casey are planning on taking a little vacation over the next few days in the north east (New Hampshire) area prior to moving on into the next phase of their lives.  Casey graduated from the same school last year and is currently employed in the Rochester area.  Christopher is hoping to land a job in the very near future.

With school now in the rear view mirror it is time to figure out what the next move will be for budding author Stocking | Click to view the photo larger

Discussing what artistic ideas he might have in the immediate future we thought that we might start by posting photo's of cats on the internet.  ( oh wait - that's already been done ...  ) | Click to view the photo larger
Yeah - it's a picture of a cat on the internet.  :)  Chris and Casey have a pair of these little guys at their apartment and this one was particularly inquisitive of me and my camera. | Click to view the photo larger

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Big Yellow Tree

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I've been noticing this tree for the last couple of weeks as I head north on route 46 out of Munnsville.  It has been yellow like this for sometime now and I've been tempted to shoot it but I just hadn't - until today.

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Click here to view full size export at 1800px
With all of the greens of the grass, fields, and even tree's finally starting to come into full bloom, and the brilliant blue sky and the light'ish wispy clouds as a backdrop this tree looked all the more commanding, and it's yellow color was particularly brilliant.  I was hoping to try and capture that, plus the vibrancy of the overall scene itself.  Initially I just pulled the car off to the side of the road and grabbed a frame or two but I *had* to actually get into and onto the field where this thing lives.  I look around and there is a house right across the road from it.  A singular house - no others around.  This has got to be the property owner... so I walk up the driveway and note that it appears that the back porch / door is the most oft used entrance to the place.  There is a person inside - it's a beautiful day out and people have the doors open letting in fresh air.  I knock as a nice woman answers and calls to her husband at the same time.  I inquirer re: are you the property owners of the field across the road.  They, almost in unison, note the camera in hand and laugh saying "Yes - go ahead - you can go over there and take some pictures.... "  They seemed to be a nice enough couple (older couple) - the gentleman even stepped outside with me and was telling me about some other cool stuff that might make for some good photo's and was pointing me in the general direction where some of these things are.  He looked off sort of longingly at one point and muttered ".... well used to be down that-away anyways ...  been a few years since I've been down there myself ...  "

I thanked them for their time and for letting me go onto the property to make some photo's.  I'll show them these on my tablet and get a print or two made up for them if they'd like.

Click to view image larger | Click here to view full size export at 3600px

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rise & Shine

Sunrise at Upper Lisle / north end of the Whitney Point Reservoir.

Fuji X-T1, 14mm lens, 3 bracket HDR via photomatix pro / lightroom and photoshop

Click to view larger | Click here to view it *much* larger at 1800px

( A few more a few hours later after watching F1 race, eating, etc .... :) )

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Click to view larger | Click here to view it *much* larger at 1800px

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

WNYOA 2014 Race Season Opener

04 May 2014
Mazourek Farms, Newfield NY

Click the photo to view it larger

In what is easily the most anticipated hare scrambles event of the year for Central Upstate NY off road racers, round 1 of the 2014 season got underway at Mazourek Farms which is located almost dead center between Ithaca and Horseheads off of route 13.  A typically huge turnout of racers of all ages and sizes showed up starting on Saturday afternoon when the gates opened up for camping.  A persistently wet and cool spring has refused to yield to more moderate temperatures and has resulted in muddy conditions for the last couple of MX races held in the area as well as season ending winter series races.  This weekend would prove to be no different - and would prove disastrous to at least one of the premier events of the day.

Click the photo to view it larger

The early races for the kids got off without issue and more or less on schedule (running slightly behind - but again - first race of the year ....  ) and the little ones toughed it out and had some good racing.  The usual army of parents were out in force to help provide extra horsepower and traction where it was needed in the wet and muddy conditions.  The way that the pee wee's and mini's were running at this venue actually allowed for me to wander between both courses ( the pee wee's always run on a smaller, shorter course - some of the little ones are as young as 4 years old!  For real...  :)  ) so I tried to shoot a little of both.  Obviously I couldn't catch the start's of both ... 

Click the photo to view it larger

The race that everyone chomps at the bit for, this year in particular, is the AA/Pro class Big Bikes race.  The field is stacked with local talent for this upcoming race season and a high number of fan favorites and contenders were in fact present.

A huge (as in massive - 300+ bikes) bottleneck in one section of the course at about 4 or 5 miles in from what was reported, ultimately resulted in this event being red flagged and called.  There was a LOT of controversy over this and much hand wringing and finger pointing . . .  very unfortunate and not the way everyone wanted to see the season get started.  Mother nature dealt everyone a tough blow in the days leading up to the event and even the night before with a torrential down pour . . . 

Click the photo to view it larger

The event promoter and organization quickly huddled and apparently did some quick course changes as the other premier event of the day gathered in the start field - the Big Quads.  A HUGE crowd of fans and spectators were lining the start area and down through the first two or three turns - 3 and 4 deep in places.  Some people had even climbed up into trees looking for a good vantage point - but was this race going to happen or was it going to be called?  Ultimately it did happen and fortunately was able to run it's allotted time.  There was a very serious crash injury to a racer who had to be airlifted to an upstate hospital in Rochester - the latest news is that he is conscious and talking, and his doctors expect a full (albeit lengthy) recovery.

Round #1 is in the books and Round #2 (Victory Mountain) is happening on May 18 in Richford.  Hopefully mother nature will start to cut us some slack with the rain and let conditions dry up some....

Photography enthusiasts:  Some of these were taken with my trusty Nikon D700 and some with the new kid on the block, the wonderfully surprising little Fuji X-T1.  Can you tell which is which?  The Fuji is in no way, shape, or form a contender to the Nikon for full on sports shooting - the Nikon will run circles around it BUT - as I learn it, and as I figure out how to work around what it does and does not do well, I continue to be amazed at just what a wonderful little thing it is...   my older D300 is seriously being considered for retirement.